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2023 Holiday Gift Impact

That’s…A WRAP on the 2023 Holiday Gift Event for Our Village Closet and our program participants! Social Workers, Foster Caregivers, Adoptive Parents, Grandparents, and recently Reunified Parents shopped this week for the youth in their care. With over 450 eligible youth shopped for, that’s over 2200 gifts and stocking stuffers combined!

YOU – our donors and volunteers – made this possible! Almost every interaction was full of gratitude, wonder, excitement, love, humility, and joy! There were happy tears and encouraging hugs galore. There was connection. The kind of connection that bridges roles and disregards labels. Connection that strengthens trust, grows belonging and community, and plants seeds of grace. This event takes so much planning, asking, coordinating, and effort. And it is worth every minute, week, and month of work!! It takes our growing village to pull it off, and we are so glad you are part of it! We know we will have more gift shoppers next week, so the final numbers will be updated. For now, know that you have impacted 450+ lives and hearts.

Holidays can be very hard for people affected by foster care. You have helped bring some light and joy into the darkness and pain that is often present.

And we think that is pretty amazing of you all!

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