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Foster Care looks like…

many hands working together

Foster care.

It looks different than people think or imagine. It is different ages, different stages, different stories, different caregivers, different endings. It is babies, toddlers, elementary aged, teenagers, and young adults.

It is cousins, siblings, grandparents, teachers, aunts, uncles and friends. It is social workers, attorneys, paperwork, judges, therapists, counselors, extra doctors, CASA’s, mentors and more. It is being immersed in conflicting feelings, living in tension, loving in the moment, hoping for redemption and healing, trusting the outcome.

It is holding on and letting go.

The only certainty in foster care is the uncertainty, painted with brokenness. Wrapped in trauma. It is living every day ordinary moments under extraordinary circumstances.

It is love. It is hope. It is learning. It is adjusting. It is advocating.

Those impacted by foster care need us. The youth, the caregivers. They need connection, support, grace, understanding and patience. They need to feel seen, heard and a sense of belonging.

Our Village Closet asks you to step into this village and be there to support, to learn, to advocate. For the youth. No matter where they land. ❤️ Amanda – CoFounder & Connector

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