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a heart ornament that says "a wee hug"

Amanda here. If you know me well, you know I am not a hugger. Friends and family tell stories of my cringing or having a panic face as people approach for the hug. I am a classic overthinker, so it just makes for an awkward encounter where I usually ramble on about it. Kind of like I’m doing now. Ironically, I married into a big ‘ole family that hugs every person for every occasion!! Yay!!

Then came COVID-19 pandemic life. Now I find myself, like so many of us, missing hugs. Missing hugs!!! Me!!! Perhaps the most missed pre-pandemic event IS the hug. Human touch: we need it, and it is often a hallmark of connection. Hugs calm us, reduce stress, comfort us, encourage us. With hugs being ranked as one of the more dangerous activities we can do in pandemic life (outside of your household), we need to work harder to connect, get creative!

My bestie sent me “a wee hug” in the mail this past week. It meant so much to me!! I held it, I looked at a picture of us and felt some of the connection that feels stolen by COVID. And it inspired me to have my 4 wildlings send hugs to loved ones in the mail! What are some ideas you have done to help ease the loss of this kind of connection? *Hugs* ~ Amanda *

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